Solar Made Simple.

Be in control of your purchase journey. Buy a solar installation for your home in just minutes with our innovative, easy-to-use Solar AI tool.
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Discover the benefits of solar.

Our team of experts will assess your needs, design a system that optimizes performance and cost-effectiveness, and determine the size of the solar array required to offset your desired monthly bill.

Save money with ease.

Transform your energy consumption with Solatera’s tailored solar array, which not only lowers or removes your monthly energy bill but also reduces your carbon footprint and secures your finances by shielding you from capricious rate hikes. Experience long-term savings starting today.

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Why you should go solar NOW

Discover the advantages of a tailored solar energy system from Solatera, including reduced monthly bills, long-term rate security, and increased control over your energy future. Join the ranks of thousands of homeowners who have gone solar with us.

Secure Your Rates

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Increase Home value

Save on Electricity